Scientific Program


Modern trends in Molecular Dynamics and Electron Correlations at Surfaces and Interfaces

Donostia – San Sebastián - October 27th 2017


9:30 – 10.15: Opening

                           Welcome: Ricardo Díez Muiño (DIPC Director)
                           Motivation for call: Clemens Laubschat (Technische Universität Dresden)
                           DFG Representative: Michael Mößle (Director of Physics & Mathematics Program)
                           Basque Government Representative: Adolfo Morais (Vice-Minister of Universities and Research)


10:15 Javier Aizpurua and/or Annemarie Pucci,
“Pushing infrared spectroscopy and microscopy to the limits – coupled excitations at interfaces of advanced material systems”.

10:35 Björn Trauzettel and/or F. Sebastián Bergeret,
“Non-conventional superconductivity in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling: Spectral and transport properties”.

10:55 Eugene Krasovskii and/or Jan Ingo Flege,
“Nanoscale geometric and electronic structure of reactive surfaces and overlayers by electron diffraction".

11:15 Coffee break

11:45 Denis Vyalikh and/or Yoav William Windsor,
“Insight into exotic magnetism and electron-correlation phenomena at the femtosecond time scale in rare-earth based materials".

12:05 J. Enrique Ortega and/or Anna Makarova,
“Tuning the spin properties at surfaces and interfaces“.

12:25 Peter Saalfrank, Iñaki Juaristi, and/or Maite Alducin,
“Molecular dynamics simulations of femtosecond laser induced processes of adsorbates at metal surfaces".

12:45 Lunch break

15:15 Rolf Möller and/or Nicolás Lorente
“Controlling a reversible 2D phase transition by an external electric field”.

15:35 Ulrich Höfer, Frederik M. Schiller, and/or Eugene V. Chulkov,
“Influence of surface dipoles on unoccupied bands and its electron dynamics”.

15:55 Laura Fernández and/or María Blanco-Rey,
“Nonconventional hybrid states in lanthanide-based organic/ferromagnetic interfaces”.

16:15 Coffee Break


16:45 General discussion about future joint initiatives

17:30 Closing remarks.

17:45 END


20:00 Workshop Dinner.